"Son" will be a gift via God in which we must guard in addition to maintain in addition to will be guided, in order to become a human being useful to the family in addition to the nation. A variety of not bad behavior can be taught early began early in life. One not bad behavior can be taught to children will be about how to live a healthy life every day. There are a variety of health habits in which have proven effective for your child to practice. So, what are healthy habits in which can be taught to a child ... ???.

Rafiq, health tips. Children can deification of a white sheet of paper on which was empty in addition to pure. As parents, our mission to teach not bad role products in addition to life as puberty stock. the item will be very important to begin to do by all parents, especially brand new couples blessed that has a brand new baby. There are a variety of health habits, which began to be taught in your little prince or princess. Here are 7 healthy habits in which can be taught to your child:
- eating healthy food en masse Sama. For the parents, to the maximum extent possible existing menghindangkan healthy foods like fruits in addition to green vegetables to the dinner table in addition to eat with your child.
- Baikal bring food via home. If you send a child to bring lunch via home, in addition to the parents who must also work to bring food via home. By bringing food via home, you should at least know about the healthy foods in which brought you in addition to your child.
- practice together. If parents want their children in sports hobbies, then you must give the same example as well. They wake up from the morning, in addition to encourage children to exercise such a leisurely morning walk or run slowly, accompanied by you.
- quit smoking. Parents also should quit habits like smoking will be not healthy. Therefore, there will be useless if you're not allowed children not to smoke, yet I've always smoke in front of your child. Because the truth will be in which smoking will be harmful to your health.
- Begin enough sleep routine every evening. Parents in addition to housing, in addition to to get rid of the habit of staying up in addition to take the kids to start sleeping at in which time had been set. Because the item will be useless to send children to start sleeping, while you're busy with activity or evening activities.
- drinking water in a number please. As a wise old man, you can teach children to drink healthy beverages in sufficient quantities. In This kind of case, certainly drink enough water every day.
- learned to wash your hands. the item should become normally wash your hands before eating or after a long day of work or routine to parents every day. This kind of motivate children to do the same thing done by the parents.
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Source: HealthLine
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