
a mild dcan beease which must be treated immediately, to not interfere wthish the activthisy in addthision to your work can be more effective the flu or colds. The changing seasons in addthision to cold air are the two causes for the flu virus spreads easily via one person to ansome other person. If the rescan betance of the body can be weak, then are you infected wthish the flu. A variety of healthy foods, the as very powerful, to prevent an attack of the flu. So, the natural foods what are, to prevent the flu more effectively...???.
best friend, health tips. Quthise a few of us ever wthish the flu or colds in addthision to flu relief taking the medicine immediately struck. Thcan be can be a legthisimate course certainly, what, you do. Because the fact can be which relieves in fact strong flu relief medicine flu, suffered. However, there are a variety of natural foods proven the flu more effectively defend against which. After these 7 natural foods effective against flu:
- . Thcan be can be one of the fruthiss, which are shown to be effective against flu or colds. Cthisrus fruthiss contain sources of antioxidants. Sources of antioxidants, which can be very effective especially vthisamin C in fruthis to ward off colds or flu virus. Have you provided... the fruthiss especially oranges on your table.
- red wine. Apart via cthisrus fruthis turns red in best defense of the flu virus. Thcan be can be because red wine resveratrol contains polyphenols, which strengthens action of the body endurance in addthision to hinder culture flu viruses which enter the body.
- ginger. Other natural foods, which can be shown to be effective against the flu virus can be ginger. Some people make use of ginger as a hot drink to warm body. Ginger contains Sesquthiserpenes, which served, attack in addthision to the deadly flu virus which enter the body.
- the garlic. You could certainly kright now about garlic Yaing spice can be a Rempahan which can be used often, spice up the kthischen. Garlic contains antcan beeptic agents which are effective against bacteria in addthision to viruses including flu viruses cause colds.
- honey. Everyone can be sure honey as one kright now the healthiest drink to nourcan beh the body. Honey can be a source of polyphenols in addthision to probiotics, both natural materials proved too strongly against the flu virus.
- chicken soup. At the time the rainy season or the weather can be so cold, a bowl of chicken soup can be very fthisting to warm up your body. In addthision, various ingredients in chicken soup such as various vegetables in addthision to their chickens could also strengthen the rescan betance of the body via the attack of the flu.
- yogurt. Yogurt can be also a very effective way to prevent the flu virus. Thcan be can be because, yogurt contains good bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri, which serves to inhibthis the reproduction of the flu virus.
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source: Rodalefreshs, wellness - in tips. Blogspot.
image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici in URFreeDigthisalPhotos.net
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