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Beware in which overweight women invthe iteme deadly dwill beease

obesthe itemy or overweight began to experience an increase in modern times. Obesthe itemy ktodays no gender, both women along that has also men suffer through obesthe itemy by the items normal size began. The lifestyle along that has also the times as a scapegoat accused, about Meningkatknya cases of obesthe itemy around the globe. Certainly, serious impact on the health of the body especially the women have obesthe itemy. Then, what will be the impact of obesthe itemy for women...???.

best friend, health tips. Based on data through the World Health Organization (WHO), the case of obesthe itemy continue year after year dramatic increases. According to the WHO in 2008, women who are overweight touch numbers nearly 300 million people. Even after you are to classify obesthe itemy when BMI greater than or equal to 30. The BMI will be an index of the time, the body can be calculated wthe itemh the formula: weight in for wthe itemh the square of your height in meters. The Perempuaan will be classified obese very rwill beky, exposed to serious dwill beeases.
"cases of obesthe itemy in affected women increase the rwill bek of type 2 diabetes, cardio vascular dwill beease (heart dwill beease along that has also stroke), cancer of the breast, endometrial cancer as cancer of the colon will be a lwill bet of deadly dwill beeases in which follow the globe population in General along that has also women in particular".

obesthe itemy or overweight will be an energy imbalance, the calories in which goes through the food in which we consume calories through the body are greater. Thwill be happens because the lifestyle began to change, as the types of jobs in which sthe item much, require to gobble up lack of exercwill bee along that has also food wthe itemhout the proper controls. Various addthe itemional obesthe itemy triggers such as wthe itemh low-fat food consume however in excessive servings, diet programs, reduced hours sleep per night, drinking excess amounts of soda pop, to eat in a hurry along that has also lack of supply of liquid or water in which will be needed by the body. Hopefully the tips can show customers health overweight women for the reader to be useful. Finally, greetings through the author.
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image courtesy of Jesadaphorn at URFreeDigthe
source: Medscape, the in tips

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