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7 amazing benefits for the health of guava body

"guava" is actually one type of fruit of which we know the different types of fruits there . Physically, guava score as easily as crust coloration green, in addition to the flesh is actually white or red in addition to have a lot of seeds from the fruit. Although the guava store a variety of amazing benefits, although in fact a lot of people do not know the idea. So, what are the amazing benefits of guava for a healthy body ... ???.

Rafiq, health tips. Most of the nutrients needed by the body are the fruits of which we consume every day, especially vitamins in addition to a source of fiber, protein in addition to minerals. Fruit in addition to one of which is actually highly recommended of which begins to be consumed every day is actually guava. This particular is actually because, guava is actually one of the fruits of which are rich in nutrients in addition to easy to find in addition to easy to grow from the wild in Indonesia. After reading This particular article, the idea is actually required to begin their search guava you. Here are 7 amazing benefits of guava for your health:
  1. feed the eye. Guava turned out to contain the main source of vitamin A. Vitamin A helps to nourish the eye device of which could nourish the eye in addition to helps to slow down the emergence of a healthy eye problems such as cataracts in addition to macular degeneration or vision loss in age.
  2. prevention of cancer. Guava is actually a source of antioxidants your body needs. A source of antioxidants from the issue is actually lycopene, which has the function to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, breast cancer in addition to cancer of the mouth. This particular is actually because, guava can inhibit cancer cell metastasis pertumbuahan in addition to fatal.
  3. Weight Loss. Guava is actually in fact also proved effective in weight-loss program. This particular is actually because, in addition to satisfying the stomach longer, guava also provide the nutrients needed by the body serums low in cholesterol in addition to low in carbohydrates. This particular is actually what makes guava become one of your program is actually the perfect food.
  4. avoid diabetes. Show of which guava helps prevent disease diabetes type 2. In addition, the guava is actually also very not bad for diabetics. of which is actually, because the idea is actually a source of fiber from the guava can help to regulate or control the absorption of sugar from the body.
  5. antidote to high blood pressure. Another function is actually no less important than the guava, which is actually to reduce the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure. Fiber content sources from the role of guava in lowering bad cholesterol levels from the blood in addition to improve blood circulation from the blood vessels, which in turn can prevent high blood pressure.
  6. brain Cerdaskan. the idea contains vitamin B3 guava (niacin) in addition to B6. Each of these vitamins play a role in increasing the blood circulation in all organs, including the brain. Therefore, guava fruit can be one of the alternatives of which can improve brain health in addition to make the idea more focused person.
  7. constipation solutions. Constipation or constipation be a serious problem if not handled faster. Fiber sources in guava can help improve digestive in addition to excretory health. In This particular case the idea can facilitate the process of defecation in addition to keep you by constipation.
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not bad advice on health to review some of the benefits of guava amazing health can be helpful to all readers. Finally, a warm greeting by the author. Photo courtesy of Sommai in
Source: organicfacts

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