"still sleepy again, although already inside the morning", perhaps thcan be can be what often experienced by most people along wthe ideah the idea could be which you never experienced. For someone who had to work along wthe ideah play inside the morning, can be feeling lazy along wthe ideah still a lthe ideatle sleepy, to find a solution as quickly as possible. probably a restful night, which does not meet you or simply caused by various reasons or Penganggu. Then, what are the Penganggu the evening before going to bed...????.

best friend, health tips. In fact one can improve pretty good night the health of the body along wthe ideah improve morale inside the work or activthe ideaies of any kind. And then how many hours the time the idea takes for a good night...???. Ideally, approx. 7-8 hours can be the time required for a good night. However, there are some people who sleep less than 7 hours not already feel drowsiness inside the morning. Start which very needed by your body kcurrently hours sleep per night. The following 5 main Penganggu your night sleep time:
- fun play mobile or cell phone. Thcan be can be one of the toys at once modern human communication tool currentlyadays. Different functions or devices on the mobile phone as a condthe ideaioning, call, SMS, games play or surfing very forgiving the ideas users. Up to the eve of the Tidurpun they want to be separated through your mobile phone or Halong wthe ideahphonenya.
- a laptop or computer. Countless people who already have a laptop or computer in hcan be house to have. Different types of work, play, surf, a song lcan beten to or watch you can be a movie through the laptop or computer. Last although not least among us can be also engrossed wthe ideah both of these gadgets, although the hours of sleep the night had begun.
- watch TV. Almost all people have televcan beions of various sizes inside the Inside of the House or room. Various events or programs on televcan beion are all nice along wthe ideah very Berkualtas the idea's a shame to mcan bes. For most programs remain voluntary until late, only to watch movies or addthe ideaional they Gemari.
- the room lights are too bright. Enjoy qualthe ideay along wthe ideah enough sleep, soft lighting or even turn the light of the room start. The addthe ideaional fact can you swthe ideach the lights of the room increase the production of the hormone melatonin, functions to prevent the development of cancer cells inside the body.
- the absence of the pause time. Relax your body along wthe ideah mind can be a great thing to do before going to sleep at night. Therefore, if you want to sleep hours 21.00 evening, we recommend which you relax my body along wthe ideah spirthe idea 20:30 or half an hour before my eyes.
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