All around us is actually an alternative cure for all ills, we just do not know how to cultivate and information obtained about poor health. If you have a weight problem and cholesterol, it helps you prepare coconut oil and rice to diet and lose weight with a powerful and secure.
The excessive weight would interfere in most people, eventually when we are confident to be less fat. Abdominal fat and excess weight will make our daily activities are not optimal and ultimately the work is not good for our economic life.
Being overweight not only makes us feel less confident, but also cause serious health complications. Call it a kind of coronary disease, cholesterol, high blood pressure, joint pain, diabetes.
Another major problem of excess weight is a psychological condition in which a person may feel less confident to be around lots of people, and prone to depression. So it is important for a person to maintain their ideal body weight.
If you are lazy to exercise, the following ways can help you in losing weight. Materials used are that you normally encounter in the kitchen. Ready to try it? Let's look at the herb reported from the following
- A spoonful of coconut oil tea
- 1/2 cup of rice
- Boil water in a pan. Add a teaspoon of coconut oil. Stir well and add 1/2 cup of rice.
- Let the water boil until the rice is cooked. Once ripe, store the mixture into a bowl and chill in the refrigerator for about 12 hours.
- After that, the consumption of the mixture on an empty stomach. Repeat this process every day for 15 days to get effective results.
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